====== Run Ubuntu Installer from any GRUB-based system ======
So if I have a KVM VPS and the VPS provider doesn't provide Ubuntu 16.04 images nor mounting ISO images...
- Get ISO from [[http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/netboot/]].
wget -O/tmp/mini.iso http://mirrors.zju.edu.cn/ubuntu/dists/xenial/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/mini.iso
- Unpack the ISO to ''/livecd''.
apt install p7zip-full
mkdir /livecd
cd /livecd
7z x /tmp/mini.iso
- Reboot and spam ↑/↓ or hold Ctrl to enter GRUB menu
- Press c to enter GRUB console
- Enter one of the following code snippets into the console
linux /livecd/linux --- quiet
initrd /livecd/initrd.gz
linux /livecd/linux priority=low ---
initrd /livecd/initrd.gz
linux /livecd/linux rescue/enable=true --- quiet
initrd /livecd/initrd.gz
Use netboot ISOs only! Otherwise, the installer will complain not mounting the CD.
{{tag>grub ubuntu boot}}